Chimney Sweep Services In Columbus, OH

We provide #1 professional & affordable chimney cleaning, sweep & repair services in Columbus, OH and the surrounding areas.

Our Experienced Chimney Sweepers

The top chimney sweeps are available at Crawford’s Chimney Sweeps. For homeowners with a fireplace or freestanding stove in their houses, chimney sweeps continue to be one of the most crucial service providers. Each year, thousands of homes experience carbon monoxide poisoning and fatal home fires due to clogged chimneys and broken fireplace parts. Your best line of defense to save your family and your house from these threats is routine fireplace maintenance. For this reason, having your chimney examined and cleaned at least once a year is crucial. Cleaning and inspection services for chimneys are provided by chimney sweeps.

What can be expected from a chimney sweep?

A chimney sweep will arrive at your house with a variety of equipment, including drop cloths, long-handled brushes, ladders, and flashlights. In the event that they must conduct a Level 2 or Level 3 examination, they might also bring video equipment. (If the chimney sweep observes warning signals that there may be damage within the chimney, these checks are normally arranged following a Level 1 inspection.) Move any furniture away from the fireplace if it is close by so the chimney sweep can access the area easily. To collect any ashes, creosote fragments, or other debris that might fall down the chimney, our expert chimney sweeps always lay down clothes on the floor around the fireplace. Before we leave, we also vacuum the area around the chimney to ensure that your house appears just as wonderful as it did when we came.

Chimney inspection

We provide the best inspection services through our chimney sweeps. For chimneys, inspection services are crucial. An experienced eye might see a huge warning sign where you might only see a minor problem. Small cracks in the chimney liner can open doors for hot embers or carbon monoxide to enter your house. Water can enter cracks in the crown or masonry, weakening the chimney’s structure and causing costly damage. If any damage is discovered, you should be provided with photographic or video evidence, a thorough report, and all feasible repair options. The expense is worthwhile for your safety. You can save hundreds of dollars by spotting issues early and maintaining your chimney clear of significant creosote deposits.

Benefits of Chimney cleaning

The chimney sweep will provide you with chimney cleaning services in accordance with his thorough inspection. Carbon monoxide and other dangerous byproducts of burning fuel, including gas and wood, are simply carried up and out of your home by a clean, properly operating chimney. The procedure fails if your chimney isn’t clean or adequately vented. Creosote, a highly combustible byproduct of burning fuels like unseasoned wood, frequently accumulates in unclean chimneys.

This increases the chance of fire, which could result in harm or even death. Therefore, it is crucial to use our skilled chimney cleaning services, which will not only shield you from danger but also help you avoid paying large sums of money that would be better spent on repairing property damage.